Friday, March 26, 2010

Smoking Kills, So Quit Today

Do you smoke cigarettes? Are you thinking of quitting smoking? In this article I write about the benefits of stopping smoking, not just for the smokers themselves but also their family and friends.

When people are quite young they do not really think too much about death, well most of them don't anyway. A lot of these young people will start to smoke cigarettes and even though they are warned and read about the dangers of smoking, seem not to care or worry about them. Before they know it they become hooked on these cigarettes and smoking becomes an essential part of their everyday lives, where it is likely to have started merely as a social thing.

The facts are that the lives of people who smoke are likely to end prematurely, this should be reason enough for people to have the courage to start looking into ways of quitting smoking today. There is no point in working hard all of our lives, paying into pension schemes, saving for our retirement, if we are not going to be able to live a long life.

There are many other health related problems of course that can arise from smoking such as the premature birth of a baby. Then their is the issue of passive smoking which reports suggest can have a negative impact on our friends and families health. These people are very important to most of us and therefore why put them at risk as well?

The cost of a packet of cigarettes is just staggering and the extra money smokers could have in their pockets each month if they were to become non-smokers would be quite substantial. Over a whole year this extra cash could even pay for a family holiday abroad. This is another example of how quitting smoking not only benefits the smoker but how it can also benefit their family.

In relationship terms, a large number of non-smokers find people who smoke a huge turn off. Stopping smoking could increase peoples chances of finding romance.

There are a number of avenues people can take in their quest to giving up smoking, including hypnotherapy. The smoker must truly want to stop and hopefully some of the reasons above could help. I am not trying to suggest that it is going to be easy but smokers owe it to themselves and their friends and families to give it their best shot to quit smoking once and for all.

Visit : Vanity Light

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