Perched on Upper Palani Hills in Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal is a place for romantic vacation in South India. The hill-station, also known as 'Kodai' is blessed with breathtaking beauty of blue-green Vegai Plain, Raj-era Bungalows, blossoming gardens and breezy atmosphere. Quite many a times, the place is being explored by tourist who desires to enjoy the adventure of para-gliding and hang-gliders. The probably reason might be its skyward altitude, which measures more than 2000m.
Needless to mention that Kodaikanal is a summer retreat fro weary travelers, who finds the place a heaven to escape from the daily monotony. Most recently, international travelers has discovered the hill-station as a paradise for honeymooners. On being asked, a newly-wed couples express their liking towards its mesmerizing scenery, which appears to sprinkle love and blessings by Mother Nature towards its spectators.
Kodaikanal Tourist Attractions
Honeymoon in Kodaikanal offer a chance to appreciate the tourist attractions in Tamil Nadu. Some must-visit places in the hill-station are Kodai Lake, Bryant Park, Thalaiyar Falls, Berijam Lake, Chettiyar Park, Bear Shola Falls, Lutheran Church, Silver Cascada, Pambar falls, Dolmen Circle and many more.
Kodaikanal Hotels and Resorts
It is often said that matrimonial affairs demand closeness and understanding by soul-mates. And, accommodation in Kodaikanal offers all that a couple looks for. The hotels in the hill-station promises to satisfy their guest with grand hospitality. Popular hotels in Kodaikanal are Carlton hotel, Valley View Resort, Paradise Inn, Lake View, Hill-top Towers, Garden Manor etc.
Couples can also enjoy staying at luxury resort in Kodaikanal, which includes Hill Country Holiday Resort, Sterling Resort-Kodai Lakeview, Kodai Resort etc.
Kodaikanal from Tamil Nadu Cities
Roads in Tamil Nadu are well-developed and can be easily accessed via four-wheelers. Following data will help travelers understand the distance of Kodaikanal from neighboring cities.
Madurai: 82 km
Periyar: 119km
Thekkady: 147km
Trichy: 160 km
Coimbatore: 170 km
Cochin: 221 km
Ooty: 236 km
Recommend : Wooden Bridges Accommodation Coast
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