Monday, July 26, 2010

Don't Forget Your Towel - Create a Holiday Checklist

It's supposed to be the most relaxing period of the year, but planning for a holiday can be more stressful than many people realise. As a result, it is often the case that people forget to do something, perhaps not even remembering until just before they're due to leave.

It's true, there really is always something. Whether it's your sunglasses, sun block or sundries for the journey, most people tend to experience a holiday syndrome where something always gets left behind.

Sometimes, it's a little more significant. Anybody who has forgotten their passport in the past could tell you that; but there are ways to avoid forgetting anything at all, however, and simple ones at that. Lists are one of the easiest ways to stay organised when it comes to checking that you're prepared.

As far in advance as possible, draft up a list of everything you'll need - and that's everything, from flight itineraries to how many pairs of socks you'll need to tide you over (including, of course, a couple of extras in case it rains). Glance at it every now and then to make sure you've got everything that's required and, presumably, over a period of possible amendments, you'll have a finished version of your holiday checklist.

It doesn't need to be a big deal - a few minutes every now and then should more than suffice. It also means that if you need to apply for anything, like travel insurance or an NHS European Health Insurance card, or even book flights, ferries or accommodation, or even renewing your passport you'll run less risk of being too late.

A few days before you're due to head off, it's time to start packing. This means you'll be able to wash clothes so they'll be ready to pack rather than waiting until the last minute and discovering the things you wanted to take are lying in the washing hamper. It also means you'll realise which items have currently gone AWOL and require some searching. This usually happens to your passport, so advance preparation is pretty essential unless you enjoy frantic hunting ten minutes before you're supposed to leave.

Choosing your clothes is an easy enough ordeal. Work from the underwear out, considering the climate of your destination, as well as how predictable the weather is and its night-time temperature. Will you need a cagoule? What about sandals?

Read up on where you're heading and ask people that have been before what they think you should take with you. Remember, however, that if you're flying out, many airlines have baggage weight limits and will charge a considerable fee for bags that are too heavy, so you should pack accordingly to those limits. Bear in mind, also, that there's a chance your case or bag might come back heavier with anything you purchase while away, so aim a fair amount under the weight limit if you're a fan of holiday shopping.

Finally, don't panic if you do forget things. As long as you've got your passport, travel insurance and your all-important towel, you'll be fine - you can always get shampoo once you arrive.

Friends Link : Forest homes Wooden Bridges Gold Coast

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